Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Friends

Been here a week and making friends with............... people and BUGS! Ava and Katia have become instant friends. They are in the same class. She also has a brother Ethan's age (Tyler) who is in the afternoon Pre-K (Ethan is a.m.) The kids are loving the animals and bugs too! They chase the squirrels, caught a lizard and a praying mantis (pic), plus have had 3 ticks each! Not to mention, we have all fallen victim to the mosquitoes as well! UGH!


shelly said...

Ticks!!!! Are you kidding me? I would have packed up my bags and been out of there after the first one. Hey, speaking of bugs, do they have lightning bugs there at night? They have them in Maine and didn't know if they extended down the east coast. Now that's a bug the kids would love to see. I miss them.
by the way, loved your comment about the jolly green giants! haaaa

amylouwhosews said...

I'm so surprised you are making friends! j/k!! I'm glad you guys are settling in and having a great time!