Monday, June 14, 2010

A visit from my Mom/Grandma Fiore!!

After a whole YEAR since we saw her Mom/Grandma came to visit us in PI! She stayed 10 days and we had so much fun! It also happened to be Memorial Weekend and her birthday! The kids surprised her at the airport (after she almost didn't make it due to missing her connecting flt.........NOT her fault) with flowers! They were soooooo excited when they finally saw her walking up the ramp and yelled "GRANDMA!!" My birthday cake fell apart, but tasted deeeeelish anyway :) On Sat. we headed to the beautiful Hilton Head Island and did the tourist thing. We searched for all the gators we found with the Miles' fam, but saw none :( (Mom was pleased! lol) We had a yummy seafood dinner at the Crab Shack on the pier and walked and shopped and walked some more. The next day we went to Savannah and took an Oglethorpe Trolley Tour all over town! It was great to learn some of the history while seeing some of the sights like Paula Deen's restaurant, the infamous "life is like a box of chocolates" bench from Forrest Gump, old mansions, cemeteries and statues, etc. Afterwards we walked around the River Walk and ate some delicious seafood AGAIN! I LOVE SHRIMP AND GRITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next day we went to the saddest Memorial Day parade ever (and by sad, I mean pathetic!) and then walked the tiny historic town of Beaufort, eating in a well known cafe. We also took the kids to the skate park, had lunch with Ava at school, went thru the Marine museum on base and tried to imagine where Grandma Fiore walked and trained while she attended boot camp here in 1942 (or 43?). I showed mom the town of Habersham (a DREAM place to retire) and we had lunch at an adorable little cafe called Moondoggies. At the end of the first week, Jason and I went to NYC from Thurs. to Sun. night for our friends, Steve and Dani's wedding (separate post to follow). Mom enjoyed her time with the kids by having lunch at school with Ethan and attending his Kindergarten play (separate post to follow), taking the kids bowling, to the pool, out to eat and just being silly! She and Ava also made a HUGE batch of gravy and meatballs ("sauce" for the white people reading this). We came home to a HUGE and delicious meal of mom's lasagna! YUMMMMMMMMMM! On mom's last day it was also the kids last day of school. They got out at noon and our neighborhood had a huge party for them complete with a jump house, water slide and BBQ! It was a FUN ending to a perfect 10 days! Thanks for coming mom! We had so much fun and THANK YOU for watching the kids while we went to NYC! We miss you and love you lots! xoxoxo


My sad chocolate cake (still yummy though)
Mom was reunited with her wiener..............RUBY! ;)

The kids watching a clown at HH

Clown talent!

Harbor Point in HH

Our trolley bus thru Savannah - "I do declare it was such a wonderful day"

Mom couldn't resist sitting on Jason's lap too! HA!

I scream YOU scream!!!!!!!!!!!
WE all scream for ICE CREAM!

Posing by Marilyn

Mom, Ava and I got CUSTOM fit toe rings on the River Walk! LOVE THEM!


Ava with some neighborhood girls



Jill said...

Looks like you guys all had a great time!

Ariela said...

I love you too!! We did a lot but the best was seeing you all (or ya'll). I had so much fun but it went by way too fast. Can't wait to do it again!!! Love ya lots.
Mom/Grandma XXXOOO
P.S. the cake was awesome :)

Renae S. said...

So fun to have your mom there! She looks awesome, by the way!! Tell her hello from me!!!

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Hey! We love Harbortown! It is one of our favorite places to visit. So many great memories right where you live! We are jealous!

Tamara said...

I can't even begin to tell you how jealous I am that you live near HHI, it was like my little heaven on earth....enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

wow, you all have such pretty feet! all the cute toes!