Monday, October 6, 2008


While Ava was gone last weekend camping with her Brownie troop, we surprised her with a NEW ROOM! He old furniture was too big and had just a few scratches from the multiple moves and storage, etc. Plus, we wanted her to have a desk for homework! We painted one accent wall pink, but I still need to hang pics or her name in wooden letters over her bed. She was VERY surprised and LOVES it! Most of you know that I made the quilt out of alllllllllll of her baby clothes! YES! I CUT THEM ALL UP! hee hee :) (Ps. the boy in the pic is our neighbor)


amylouwhosews said...

Look at you, Martha II! I love it all - especially the quilt! I wouldn't have the patience to sew together all those little squares, let alone cut them out.

You need to come help me decorate my house. If we move down there next assignment you are totally coming over and painting.

Ellis Family said...

I WOULD LOVE IT!!! In exchange for a bag of course :)

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Does that mean you're all done having kids? Or does that mean another shopping spree?

Ellis Family said...

HA HA! Well, if Jason ever sticks around for 12 consecutive months we might think about it, but I think we're done. Plus, I got the new twins and all :)

shelly said...

Gia, you said you cut up her clothes, but nothing was mentioned that you actually sewed the blanket. Come on now, can you really sew and I never knew it???