Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Fun 2008!!!

This was our first Christmas in our own house! Usually we travel to be with family and Santa finds us and leaves gifts for the kids under other trees! It was so exciting to wake up in our own home and find gifts left by Santa under our tree! The kids are at a great age for giving and receiving and we had a blast together! Afterwards I made french toast on my new griddle while the kids played and played! Later that day we saw "Bedtime Stories" and I made a traditional X-mas dinner with all the fixins! It was yummy :) The kids love all of their gifts and so do we! Too many to list here, but THANK YOU FAMILY and FRIENDS!!!!! :) Here's t a Happy New Year and a GREAT 2009! We love you!


kelly manz said...

where is the gosh darn SANTA beyatch???

tree looks great!

hair is TIGHT!

nice jammies - now all you need is some big glasses with rhinestones and a cigarette!

Ellis Family said...

LOL! Oh I have the SUNGLASSES! Haven't you seen my Ed Hardy's yet? It's a no go on the cig tho! UGH! I can't believe we forgot to put up the thrusting santa! We suck!

amylouwhosews said...

so cute!! I miss you guys. Glad you are having a fun Christmas together!

Toni Ludlow said...

Seriously, is Ethan a big yellow M&M for real!!! Poor little fella :) too freaking funny!! Im surprised its still not a onsie HEE HEE, how much do you miss me!!!???!!!

Sechrist Family said...

I forgot about the onsie! Thats awesome! We love you G!

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Merry Christmas y'all! It is so fun as the kids get this age!

GINA said...

Merry Christmas! It looks like you guys had a great time.